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Natural Penis Englargment

802, 2017

Make sure you’re gaining girth, not just length

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As you go through your typical workout regimens, make sure you consider just where the gains you are making happen to be going. Most of us guys tend to focus on length because that, to us, is what looks most impressive.

While length is very important for when you want to hit just the right spot, never, ever overlook the importance of girth. Girth is what gives women that wonderful “full” feeling that they love so […]

2806, 2016

Food helped me get a bigger dick!

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When I set out to increase my penis size, I did a lot of research and came across an interesting phenomenon: All of the things that are in penis enlargement pills can be found in food. This got me thinking about what I could do to increase my own size on my own terms and what I came up with has given me some results that I never would have thought
While I won’t bore […]


2705, 2016

Don’t be afraid of penis weights

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I know that a lot of men out there are scared to death about the idea of strapping a weight to their penis in the hopes that it will stretch it out and make it bigger. I would like to tell you, however, that weight exercises work and, if you follow all safety precautions, you will be fine and able to enjoy your longer, thicker dick in a matter of weeks.
When you use penis weights, […]

605, 2016

The Cable Clamp works!

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I’ve never been shy about my body, but I’ve always been a little embarrassed about my penis size. I’m not exactly a lady’s man, but I have had a few partners and I got pretty used to the vague look of disappointment on their faces when we had sex for the first time. Although I’ve always considered my penis to be at least average in the length department, I was less than thrilled about the […]

1904, 2016

The Ultimate Stretcher

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I’ve been using the ultimate stretcher device for a few months now and MAN, am I seeing some results! I’ve been using it each and every single day along with ZyGain and things are really starting to take off for me.Как укладывать брусчатку
I’ve been following the instructions and using it on my penis for about eight hours every day. It isn’t really a big deal to use, because it can be worn underneath my regular […]

904, 2015

What is life like with a BIG penis?

By |Natural Penis Englargment|1 Comment

With all the money in the world, a flashy cars, a big houses and absolutely stunning designer suits – this all count for nothing if you have a a small penis hiding in those pants when it comes to woman! A man with a huge dick is on the same level as you!  Check out a recent article by gawker about life with a small penis! Not something you want!
Of course, there are those women who will […]

904, 2015

Some penis facts … Do I need a bigger penis? What is a big penis?

By |Natural Penis Englargment|Comments Off on Some penis facts … Do I need a bigger penis? What is a big penis?

Whether a man admits it or not, the size of his member really does matter. The length and girth of a penis has a huge effect on a man’s sexual life, confidence, and much more. However very few men actually understand what their measurements should be. There are so many myths, stereotypes, and misinformation on this subject out there, that many men have horrible insecurities about their penis size when, in fact, they may have […]