Penis PumpI’ve been using my penis pump for about a year now, and I have to say that I’m starting to see some real changes to my favorite body part. My penis is noticeably bigger and my self-confidence has skyrocketed!

All in all, it doesn’t really matter what brand of penis pump you own. The real trick behind getting the big penis that you know you deserve is in using it for an extended period of time. My personal product is the bathmate, which made sense for me to buy because it is comfortable and can be used in the places where I am most likely to have both the time and privacy to work toward making my dick bigger.

The benefits don’t miraculously appear after the first ten minutes with the pump, but if you’re serious about having using one of the best penis enlargement devices around and stick with it, then the changes will come. I personally have gone from just under five inches to a staggering seven inches over the past year and I’m very happy with it!

Of course, I’m not the only one who gets to enjoy my new and improved penis. I was never a guy who got the girls, but since my confidence has gone up, so has the number of my sexual partners. I now have the confidence to approach women at the bar and strike up the conversations that ultimately lead them right to my bedroom.

In the past, even if I was brave enough to talk to a pretty girl, I would start to shy away once things started to go in my direction for the very simple reason that I was embarrassed about my penis size. I had reoccurring nightmares about getting the hottest woman I could imagine all of the way back to my place, only to have her point and laugh at my tiny cock once my pants came down.

<a href=" .png”>Penis PumpBut now that’s all in the past! Now I can confidently approach women and invite them back to my place without the crippling fear that my penis wouldn’t be enough for them. In fact, sometimes my new and improved penis size is a bit too much for them to handle. I will never forget the first time I got complimented on the size of my penis by a woman in the form of saying it was too much for her to take in!

All in all, penis pumps get the job done and then some! If you are considering a penis enhancement option for yourself, give the pump a try and you will not regret it. The effects may not be immediate, but they will be astounding once you put in the time and effort to get the massive dick that you’ve always wanted and you know that you deserve!